Sſtabhmontown Adventures
Sstabhmontown Adventures
5: Archibald and the Otyugh

5: Archibald and the Otyugh

This week Archibald Arborlax, bird watcher extraordinare, rejoined the party after many months away. In the dungeon, Archibald declared the monster living in a heap of trash to be an “Otyugh”, shortly before being swallowed by the thing. We talk about death, difficulty, and access to the drop-in game, as well as writing rules, especially those ones about dying—and waking the dead.

Sſtabhmontown Adventures
Sstabhmontown Adventures
We play old-school D&D, and we try to do it without being awful. Stories from the players of our open-table, drop-in game, plus discussion of roleplaying game and narrative theory, rules experiments, and more.
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